Murrin Law Firm


Murrin Law Firm Disclaimer

The responsible party for the content of this website is J. Owen Murrin. J. Owen Murrin through the Murrin Law firm represents clients nationwide consistent with FINRA, AAA, and other specialized arbitration forums and within the requirements of the laws allowed by each states’ law. Murrin Law Firm confines their practice to only those matters arising out of those states where firm members are authorized to practice law and/or in compliance with the state law that governs. J. Owen Murrin and/ or the Murrin Law Firm will not accept clients in any state where the contents of this website does not comply with state laws and regulations.
The information contained in this Website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. No recipient of the content from this site, clients or otherwise, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances of the matter. The content of this Website contains general information and may not reflect current legal developments, case solutions, or settlements. The Firm expressly disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this Website.
Any information sent to the Murrin Law Firm by Internet e-mail or through the Website is not secure and is done on a non-confidential basis. Transmission of information from this Website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Firm or any one within the firm especially J. Owen Murrin. The transmission of the Website, communication by phone, by email, or any other communication to us does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between us and any recipient.
Some links within the Website may lead to other websites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. The Firm includes these links solely as a convenience to you, and the presence of such a link does not imply a recommendation of the linked site or an endorsement of it or its contents.
This Website and its contents are provided “AS IS.” The Website or any legal matter does not come with a warranty of any kind.
Other than his national arbitration and mediation practice described above, J. Owen Murrin and the Murrin Law Firm only actively engage in the practice of law in California and North Dakota. Except for clients that qualify for mediation and arbitration services nationwide, Murrin Law Firm does not accept clients in any other states. For examples, J. Owen Murrin does not practice law in Minnesota or any state that does not allow out of state lawyers to appear in a FINRA or General Arbitration and Mediation proceeding in its state. Most states allow out of state or even non-lawyers to engage in FINRA, AAA, or mediation proceedings under proper circumstances. Those are the kind of cases Murrin handles nationwide.
Murrin Law firm offers its services by the hour and upon contingency fee arrangements. The contingency arrangement does not require the payment of fees if a client loses. However, clients still have to pay costs in certain types of cases.
“Any testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or a prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.” The results portrayed in this website and firm materials were dependent on the facts of that case, and that the results may differ if based on different facts.
Reproduction, distribution, re-publication, and/or retransmission of material contained within the Murrin Law Firm Website is prohibited unless the prior written permission of Murrin has been obtained. The material in this cite is considered an advertisement under certain laws. © 2016.